Six wine trends


Just like gastronomy, wine evolves and new trends are being discovered. We love to explore new trends at Gastronomic madness and we love exploring new wines too!


1) Organic wine

Nowadays this is not just small independent producers making organic wine. In the south of France (Languedoc-Roussillon for instance), thousands of hectares of vineyards are being transformed into an organic production. Generally, wine growers with an organic agriculture label are being recognised at every step of the way in order to create the best wine for the customers and the less novice for the soil which leads to wines with a more fruity and flavour and less strong in alcohol.


2) Biodynamic wine production

Some wine growers go even further with respect to mother earth : they use methods to intensify the soil in order to create a better exchange between the soil and the plant. They prepare a plant-based recipe which macerates and reinforce the vineyard. They also use a lunar calendar for the soil and the plant to be in perfect harmony.  This practice comes from the philosopher Rudolf Steiner who called this trend : anthroposophie.


3) Less fancy, more story-telling

The Millennials make a difference in their consumption, less fancy and interested in more about the story behind the wine. They won’t buy an expensive wine just because of a famous critic gives it credit rating. On the contrary, they are looking for interesting stories and personal connections around good products. To achieve this, they seek good advice on the internet or go to wine fairs to meet independent wine growers and hear their personal story about their personal craft and history of wine making.


4) Orange wine

Orange is the 4th colour of wine. If this wine production attracts curiosity, it is actually an ancestral practice which comes from Georgia in 4000 BC. It is made with a rare grape which fully macerates in big vats and tastes similar to a tannic white wine, fresh and digestible. This has become more and more popular in prestigious restaurants in Paris, London and New-York


5) Vegan wine

Nowadays, more and more products have Vegan labels on their packaging, wine is not an exception.

Contrary to the popular opinion, wine is not exclusively made of grape. If is not uncommon for producers to use products such as egg white, fish glue or casein (milk protein) to eliminate yeast particles which can be found in the bottle. However, it is possible to use green products like wheat, pea or potato for instance. Since many people are now looking for food free from any live stock product, this trend is also becoming popular with wine and is a good alternative for a healthier environment !  


6) Gris wine

This popular wine can be found in Morocco under the name of Boulaouane or Guerrouane. It is often assimilated to rose but wine amateurs know that there is a real difference between those varieties. It is a very pale wine and shows silver reflections when it is put under the sun. Its flavour is very different from rose, more smoked and close to redcurrant or raspberry. This is a delicious wine to enjoy with asian or eastern plates and sea influenced dishes.